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Jeff Wilbusch
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Tarot Cards The Lovers Black And White

The Man of Gemini Gemini guys are adaptive, versatile, and incredibly resourceful. They are quite sociable and get along well with people from all walks of life. He is very brilliant and inquisitive about everything. Geminis are perpetual scholars, eager to acquire as many talents and bodies of information as possible.

If you are someone who enjoys having control over their fate and knowing where they are going, this is an excellent time to tighten the reins and become more disciplined in your actions. While experiencing a sense of powerlessness might be discouraging, the key is to consider what you can manage and what you cannot. Allow yourself to be unconcerned with what is beyond your control, since you cannot alter it now. Rather than that, direct your energy on what IS under your control. Consider what you may be able to do to improve the situation. Similarly, The Chariot Reversed signifies that you may be attempting to manage every facet of your life but feeling even more out of control in the process. Let go of your hold and let events to unfold naturally. Be receptive to offers of assistance and then express gratitude for what you get, even if it falls short of your expectations. You are not need to be in the driver's seat at all times!

The Lovers symbolize relationships and choices in certain faiths. Its occurrence in a spread signifies a decision about an existing connection, a heartfelt temptation, or a selection of possible companions. Often, one element of the Querent's life may have to be surrendered; a bachelor(ette) lifestyle may have to be sacrificed in order to achieve a relationship (or vice versa), or one possible partner may be selected over another. Whichever option is chosen, it should not be taken lightly, since the consequences will be long-lasting. The Lovers is connected with the Gemini star sign, and is often referred to as The Twins in certain decks. Additionally, it is associated with Air, Mercury, and the Hebrew letter (Zayin).

A regal person astride a chariot driven by two sphinxes of contrasting hues, one black and one white (two horses in the Marseilles deck). Perhaps based on Plato's Chariot Allegory, which depicts the many components of the human spirit. A representation of war, triumph, self-aggrandizement, and command. The idea of taming, regulating, and leading two antagonistic forces is pervasive. A huge triumph, whether monetary or spiritual, is near; do not be sidetracked by little quarrels. VIII Occasionally, the note of strength is substituted for XI - Justice.

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