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Jeff Wilbusch
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Tarot Cards Jojo The Star

Card 3: The Empress of JoJo Tarot Cards is a rare fusion of flesh and stand. Its abilities are only ordinary. It is parasitic in nature. The Empress of JoJo Tarot Cards represent the birth of a new life form because to their hybrid nature (which hints to the nature of this Stand) and their resemblance to the Tarot Cards. Card 4: The Hol Horse is the Emperor of the JoJo Tarot Cards. It is a mediating power that resembles a pistol. It embodies order and control, much like a mediator's pistol. Due to the fact that it is shown as a sign of Force and Power, it is likened to the Emperor of Tarot Cards.

Tarot decks in their standard form include 78 cards. Stardust Crusaders, on the other hand, offers solely Stands based on the Major Arcana tarot deck, which contains 22 cards. Each card has a profound significance that varies according on whether the card is in its regular or reversed state (upside down). Summary

Card 19: The Sun of JoJo Tarot Cards is capable of emitting fatal amounts of light and heat over a vast region. It is likened to physical heat and energy rather than the Sun Tarot Card's bright beams of optimism. The strength and speed of Card 20: Judgement of JoJo Tarot Cards are above average. The Stand is congruent with the reversed Tarot card, therefore it instills uncertainty and deception in people's thoughts, impairing their decision-making skills.

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