This material was pulled directly from Twitter. You may be able to find the same material in a different format or more information on their website. We may never know for certain, but there is something in the amount of ineptitude that the average person estimates it would take for a contemporary ship to get so catastrophically stuck that it sat there for a week with its arse flapping in the breeze. Additionally, there is the comforting effect of knowing that whatever you do, it will never be as momentous or world-changing as getting a tanker trapped in the Suez Canal. For one whole week.
344:1. in 2. with 3. in, from, out 4. down 5.?, on 6. complain of 7. in, for, among 8. up, with 9. in 10. with, on 11. to, with, for, of 12. in, by 13. for 14. about 15. at 16. of, since 17.?, of 18. of 19. about, of 20. on, at 21. of, out of 22.? 23. in 24. in 25. of 26. on 27. on 28. to 29.? 30. on 31
Please, someone, rectify this.
I began completing this Murphy's grammar book on my own.
I'd like to make a brief note of it here.
Then it might be corrected by anybody. A) 1/she is photographing. 2/He is lacing his shoes. 3/They are about to cross the road. 4/He is squinting his eyes. 5/She is concealing herself behind a tree. 6/They are extending a hand to someone. 1/F 2/E 3/G 4/A B) 1/F 2/E 3/G 4/A 5/D 7/B 6/H 7/B 8/C
People and groups throughout history have made grabs for everything from land to resources to cold, hard cash. The majority of them are not well remembered. There should be more severe consequences for imperialism and murder than being ridiculed online, yet that is what we are now seeing. There is a popular meme being used to mock these beasts right now called the âIs For Me? emoji meme, and its strength may lie in its understatement.