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Jeff Wilbusch
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Nicolas Cage Con Air Gif

Additionally, it has a contrasted cut. Observe the long, flowing locks that gracefully rise and fall in response to the passing breeze, providing contrast to the trifecta of root patches: two at his temples and one at the top of his forehead, delicately flecked with the grey of an experienced man, the grey of a man who has seen things. Nobody, and I mean nobody, would ever get this haircut and expect to be taken seriously. On any other human head, it would be mocked into the closest barbershop, even in the 1990s, the coiffeur's backwater.

I'm a sucker for explosions in action films. This one has 'em. I've seen it several times and it never gets old. Naturally, Steve Buscemi is a standout. John Cusack, Colm Meaney, and John Malkovich all perform well in their parts. I was smitten with Colm Meaney in his part. It's refreshing to see him in full prick mode. The remainder of the ensemble was either well-chosen, well-directed, or are just excellent performers - yes, this is a wonderful cast. I haven't seen Nick Chinlund in nearly enough parts despite the fact that I am a huge admirer of his. I'll have to make do with his somewhat insane antagonist in this one, since he's rather excellent. I'd honestly forgotten how much fun this is since the last time I watched it. Additionally, despite one reviewer's assertion that it's an ideal male film, it's fantastic for everyone who like mayhem, explosions, humor, high production values, and Steve Buscemi. Only quibble: the last sequence seemed unnecessary, but I suppose there had to be some kind of closure between Cage and Malkovich's characters.

3. Persigui3 a Patricia Arquette por 9 aos, consigui3 su aceptación de marido, y el d­a de la boda pas3 algo... y se suspendi3

Nicolas Cage met actress Patricia Arquette (Chicago, 48 aos) in the 1980s and was instantly in love with her. When Patricia requested a meeting with him, he declined, stating that he would only come with him if he received an autograph from J.D. Salinger (a writer renowned for his complete Islamism) and a black orqu­dea, an ejemplar that literally does not exist. While Patricia Arquette was oblivious to the anecdote, Nicolas needed to treat it as a âaccepto el retoâ and a few days later, he showed up at his house with a letter signed by Salinger (to learn how he did it) and a genetically modified orqu3dea capable of illuminating dark ptalos. Patricia Arquette owes it to herself to express gratitude (or to completely terrify her) and to accept not a citation, but a matrimonial petition. Nicolas had an ira attack at the airport on his way to the wedding, and Arquette called off the wedding. However, he granted him a second chance in 1995, and it was then that the wedding took place.

Lamborghini is credited with this picture.

With Cage's career exploding in the 1990s with songs like Con Air and Face/Off, the man needed to acquire one of the decade's most sought supercars, a Lamborghini Diablo VT. With a screaming V12 engine and a top speed of almost 500 mph, they definitely earned their moniker, which translates as âdevilâ in Spanish.

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