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Jeff Wilbusch
Kunjungi profil

Lucha Pokemon Tipo Fuego Primera Generacion

(Poliwhirl). Although they are not usually a permanent fixture in competitive teams, it is common for this type of attack to be used as coverage. It is one of the most advantageous materials: normal, siniestro, acero, hielo, y roca. Suelen estar muy ligados a los iniciales de tipo fuego, y su incapacidad al volador se compensa por la posibilidad de aprender ataques de roca.

Infernape has always attempted to strike quickly with powerful golpes. His Velocidad (108), Ataque (104), and Special Ataque (104) reflect this, while his HP (76), Defense (71), and Special Defense (71) make him a stereotypical Rogue in role-playing games. Infernape learns a variety of physical and special attacks. Physical attacks include Mach Punch, Raging Fury, and Close Combat. Swift and Flamethrower are two of the special attacks. Additionally, players can learn Aerial Ace, Poison Jab, and Bulldoze, two of which cover Infernape's weaknesses.

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