Warsaw is a world apart from Krakw. It was completely destroyed during the war, and hence practically everything is a replica. While the old town and other historic districts are lovely, the remainder of the city is more business-like, with several retail malls, offices, and highrise structures. Two or three days are sufficient due to the lack of attractions in the vicinity of Warsaw. As previously said, it is recommended that you visit both cities. If this is not feasible, I will go to Krakw this time and return to Warsaw at a later date.
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Alekseja Viakova izmisgi cns par palikanu, nesekmgi tau pagaidm. Ar odien piedzvots zaudjums - viesos 1:2 pret Varavas "Polonia," kas pc pankuma paclusies uz 4. vietu, apsteidzot Artjoma Rudeva Poznaas "Lech." Pirmos vrtus s dienas ma guva bijuais skontietis Vladimirs Dvalivili, paa nopelnto 11 metru soda sitienu realizja. Interesanti, gad Dvalivili un Viakovs bija komandas biedri "Skonto" vienb. No pamanmkajiem "Cracovia" rinds bija Viakovs, pie resultta 0:1. Vispirms vi labi izskrja pa malu, sama piespli, tau palaida bumbu par tlu, un "Polonia" aizsargs glbt paspja. Toties other Viakova episode izpildjum bija veiksmgka - msu pussargs negaidti uzsita no soda laukuma robem, un bumba minimli lidoja garm tlajam stabam... Un vl pc mintes Viakovs tika nomaints mintes 70. mint "Polonia" panca 2:0. 87. mint "Cracovia" tika pie pendeles un starpbu ldz 1:2, tau glbt mau nepaspja. etriem punktiem atpaliek no dros zonas etras krtas pirms turnra noslguma "Cracovia" par etriem punktiem atpaliek.
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