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Kathrin Vadim Garbuzov Neue Freundin

"Time flies when one is doing something one really enjoys - it's hard to believe that the show is already over!" FRANZENSDORF. "This was the Greatest Show of All Time!" Kathrin Menzinger verabschiedet sich mit einem Zitat aus einer erfolgreichen Tanztour durch Deutschland. When asked how one may see this dance journey, Kathrin explains that this tour brought the Let's Dance format to the mainstream. Sechs Tanzpaare bestehend aus Promis und Profis insgesamt. ..

Vadim Garbuzov eroberte die Fernsehwelt mit "Dancing Stars" und "Let's Dance."

Seine Fernsehkarriere debuted in 2011 as Alfons Haider's professional dance partner on the Austrian show "Dancing Stars." He was the first dance partner of a similar-minded couple and gained worldwide recognition as a result. In 2012, he won the dance show with partner Petra Frey. He achieved the same feat in 2014 with Roxanne Rapp and in 2020 with Michaela Kirchgasser.

Following that, or immediately following the presentation, we immediately notified the Verband, and the decision was made shortly thereafter. There is no such thing as an amateur status in Austria. We also do not provide dance instruction in the traditional sense, but rather perform a television show. Salsango: Doch gibt es nicht internationale Amateur-Rules?

Herr Garbuzov, have you factored in this much attention?

Garbuzov, Vadim: Nein. Fundamentally, this situation, in which I am now required to do a large number of interviews and stand in the public eye, is a novel one. Man must already be somewhat schn einfallsreich in order to adequately address the many diverse questions. Which is an example?

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