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Jeff Wilbusch
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Efforts Matter Over Promises Quotes

This collection of significant promise quotations comes from a variety of sources, including authors, writers, playwrights, lecturers, politicians, sports, and poets. Vote for your favorites to ensure that the greatest promise quotations come to the top, since the list's rank is constantly determined by votes. Make certain that your favorite promise phrases do not fall to the bottom of the list.

Motivational quotes

âDo not glance at your feet to determine if you are doing it correctly. Simply dance.â âAnne Lamott âAnne Lamott âAnne Lamott â âSomeone is sitting in the shade now as a result of a tree that was planted many years ago. ” Warren Buffett âWarren Buffett âTrue liberty is unattainable without a disciplined mind.â Adler, Mortimer J. âRivers are well aware of this: there is no rush. We will eventually arrive. ” Milne, A.A. âThere is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated into action through you, and this manifestation is unique since there is only one of you in all of time. And if you eliminate it, it will cease to exist in any other media and will be gone. ” âMartha Graham âMartha Graham âMartha Graham âMar âSmall is not only a starting point. Small is an excellent destination in and of itself. âJason Fried âHe who has patience can get everything he desires. ” âBenjamin Franklin âBenjamin Franklin âBenjamin Franklin âThe only person who can tell you that you cannot win is you, and you are not obligated to listen. ” âJessica Ennis âSet your sights high and donât let up until you reach them. ” âBo Jackson âTake your triumphs, whatever they are, enjoy them, use them, but do not accept them. ” âMia Hamm âMia Hamm âMia Hamm

âWords may take on any form. Promises may be made to entice the spirit and soothe the heart. In the end, words are meaningless. They are names we apply to things in an attempt to wrap our tiny little minds around their true natures, while ninety-nine percent of the time, the fullness of reality is a completely different beast. The smartest guy is the one who remains quiet. Take note of his activities. Assess him in light of these. Karen Marie Moning ââ

âLogic will bring you from point A to point B. â â Albert Einstein Imagination will lead you anywhere. âYour imagination serves as a window into the next attractions in life. ” Albert Einstein â âEvery kid is an artist. The issue is how to retain his artistry as he matures. ” â Pablo Picasso â Once expanded by a new concept, a man's mind never reverts to its previous proportions. ” — Holmes, Oliver Wendell Series of Inspirational Quotes

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