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Jeff Wilbusch
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Department Of Homeland Security Logo Vector

The Associated Press reported on September 5, 2007 that the DHS had scrapped ADVISE (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement), an anti-terrorism data mining tool, after the agency's internal inspector general discovered that pilot testing of the system had been conducted using real people's data without the required privacy safeguards in place. [66] [67] Since 2003, the system has been developed at Lawrence Livermore and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory at a cost of $42 million to the government. The program has been the subject of controversy for some time; in March 2007, the Government Accountability Office noted that "the ADVISE tool may misidentify or incorrectly connect a person with undesirable activities such as fraud, criminality, or terrorism." The Inspector General of Homeland Security subsequently said that ADVISE was poorly conceived, time-consuming to utilize, and lacked appropriate rationale. [68] Fusion facilities [adjust]

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