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Jeff Wilbusch
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Blue Line Pitbull Grau Welpe

Already in 1898, the Pitbulls were sanctioned by the UKC, and the ADBA was founded in 1909. Both clubs registered the Pitbull, which was once known as the Yankee Terrier. In 1936, several Pitbulls were registered as American Staffordshire Terriers to create a distinction between Pitbulls and dogfighting. This is why, even today, the border between the American Pitbull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier is so blurred.

Welpe is the original Reinrassiger Pitbull blue line.

On this path, we are looking for a new and loving home for our two wonderful Pit Bull Terrier Welpen (two Mdels). Attractive, lively, and receptive to all that occurs around them. The welps are sculpted and equipped with an Impfpass. They are purebred Pit Bull Terrier puppies, but without papers. Mother, lives with you and responds to your e-mails on a daily basis. Kindly contact us through WhatsApp: +4915171139333.

Anyone with genuine dog experience should be aware that "Rasselisten" do not foretell future events and that the term "Listenhund" is inherently problematic to meaningless. I am familiar with "vernacular" Pitbulls and problematic Huskies, to name a few. If someone here already uses the term "Listenhund" and implies that special knowledge is required for these dogs, then, in my opinion, demonstrates that the actual contents are not sufficiently known. As a result, I conclude from the question that it would be prudent to amass further knowledge and experience prior to adopting a "Listenhund" or another animal. Numerous dogs, even those with a "nice" appearance or those with smaller rashes, might be problematic.

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