Alt Balaji features films like as Lootera, starring Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha. The historical drama is based on O. Henry's short work The Last Leaf and follows a father who tells his daughter the legend of an invincible monarch. Additionally, you may see Milan Luthria's gangster film, Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai. The film is inspired on the true story of Mumbai criminals Haji Mastan and Dawood Ibrahim. Bang Baang, a gripping criminal thriller, is one of the platform's television series. Faisal Shaikh and Ruhi Singh, both of whom are online superstars, appear in the program. Additionally, you may watch Helllo Jee. The Indian web series, directed by Shahnawaz Sabir Khan, follows a bunch of underdogs as they attempt to earn money by starting a phone dating business.
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